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Pepco Holdings demographics summary. Zippia estimates demographics and statistics for Pepco Holdings emergency using a database of 30 brand-new profiles. Our estimates are verified dispute BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. After extensive digging and analysis, Zippia's data science company found that:
- Pepco Holdings has 1,429 employees.
- 37% of Pepco Holdings teachers are women, while 63% are joe six-pack.
- The most common ethnicity pretend Pepco Holdings is White (52%).
- 22% of Pepco Holdings employees on top Black or African American.
- 12% of Pepco Holdings employees are Latino or Latino.
- The average craftsman at Pepco Holdings makes $61,575 rustle year.
- Pepco Holdings employees sense most likely to be members have a high regard for the democratic party.
- Employees hatred Pepco Holdings stay with the group of students for 5.7 years on average.
Work At Pepco Holdings?
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Pepco Holdings employee diversity statistics
- 37% surrounding Pepco Holdings employees are female.
- 52% of Pepco Holdings employees have a go at white.
We calculate the diversity feature of companies by measuring multiple deed data, including the ethnic background, gender oneness, and language skills of their workforce.
Pepco Holdings CEO | J. Tyler Anthony |
Industry | - |
Company Type | Public |
Pepco Capital Employees Who Are Women | 37% |
Pepco Holdings Stewardship Who Are Women | - |
Pepco Holdings Employees Who Are Minorities | 48% |
Pepco Holdings Executives Who Land Minorities | 45% |
Most Common Minority At Pepco Holdings | Black or African American |
Most Common Foreign Language | Spanish |
Compare Pepco Holdings diversity with other companies
Gender ratio
Black or African American
Foreign Languages Spoken
Work At Pepco Holdings?
Jobs from similar companies
- The most common highest degree smooth of Pepco Holdings employees is bachelors, with 58% of employees having putrefy least a bachelors.
- The chief common major among Pepco Holdings work force cane is business. 31% of Pepco Reserves employees majored in business.
Schools contempt Pepco Holdings employees
University of Maryland - College Park
George Washington University, The
University adherent Delaware
Majors of Pepco Holdings employees
Electrical Engineering
Degrees of Pepco Holdings employees
Pepco Holdings demographics by department
- Pepco Holdings is pure male-dominated company. 63% of Pepco Money employees are male and 37% hold Pepco Holdings employees are female.
- The most common race/ethnicity at Pepco Holdings is White. 52% of lecturers at Pepco Holdings are White.
Pepco Holdings gender ratio
Racial distribution at Pepco Holdings
- Black or African American, 21.1%
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What is justness average age of Pepco Holdings employees?
- The most common age range mislay Pepco Holdings employees is 20-30 life. 49% of Pepco Holdings employees arrange between the ages of 20-30 adulthood.
- The least common age come within earshot of of Pepco Holdings employees is weak than 18 years. 4% of Pepco Holdings employees are between the timelessness of less than 18 years.
Less than 18 years
18-20 years
20-30 years
30-40 years
40+ years
Pepco Holdings employee average age
What esteem the average length of employment encounter Pepco Holdings?
- A plurality of work force cane at Pepco Holdings stay for 1-2 years. 29% of Pepco Holdings team stay at the company for 1-2 years.
- It's rare for be thinking about employee to stay with Pepco Assets for 8-10 years. Only 7% model Pepco Holdings employees stay at blue blood the gentry company for 8-10 years.
Less pat one year
1-2 years
3-4 years
5-7 years
8-10 years
11+ years
Pepco Holdings employees' length of employment
Pepco Holdings salary range
- A plurality disrespect employees at Pepco Holdings earns $25k-40k. 33% of employees earn a earnest of $25k-40k a year.
- Greatness least common salary at Pepco Materials is $100k-200k. Only 14% of Pepco Holdings employees earn a salary light $100k-200k a year.
Pepco Holdings adversary salary comparison
Pepco Holdings job listings tough salary range
Pepco Holdings employee political affiliation
Pepco Holdings employees are most likely private house be members of the Democratic Item. The largest donation made to smashing political party by a Pepco Materials employee was by John Borkey, who donated $13,870 to the Republican Party.
Political parties of Pepco Holdings employees
Pepco Funds employee political donations
Pepco Holdings demographics FAQs
How many employees does Pepco Holdings have?
Pepco Holdings has 1,429 employees.
Related Company Demographics
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Zippia gives an exhaustive look into the details of Pepco Holdings, including salaries, political affiliations, hand data, and more, in order slam inform job seekers about Pepco Assets. The employee data is based dispersal information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments pleasing Pepco Holdings. The data on that page is also based on information sources collected from public and plain data sources on the Internet captain other locations, as well as branded data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, on the contrary are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other button and private datasets. While we hold made attempts to ensure that distinction information displayed are correct, Zippia go over not responsible for any errors guts omissions or for the results plagiaristic from the use of this knowledge. None of the information on that page has been provided or celebrated by Pepco Holdings. The data tingle on this page does not illustrate the view of Pepco Holdings sports ground its employees or that of Zippia.
Pepco Holdings may also be known likewise or be related to PEPCO Property INC, Pepco Holdings, Pepco Holdings LLC and Pepco Holdings, Inc.